Oak Harbor Festival


The festival is dedicated to hosting a world-class, 3-day event which contributes vibrancy to the local community, brings our island neighbors together, establishes lasting connections with visitors, and encourages the expression of music in local young people.

Our motivation is to provide an inspirational event that brings joy, builds a sense of community, generates revenue for Whidbey Island businesses, and creates musical opportunities for local students by offering scholarships and sponsoring instrument programs designed to provide equal access to music—impacting generations to come.

Interactive tables & cube sitting. A variety of EPIC Balloons our Event Management Team uses to decorate the lounge. A committed Party Host will be by your party guest at all times until the time is up.


1000 THANK YOU's

To the 250+ volunteers and the City of Oak Harbor workforce that made this festival happen, funding in part from grants awarded by the City of Oak Harbor and Island County LTACs, Island Thrift, plus individual and small business donors!